What does it take to be an effective leader?
Well… it depends. There is no one formula or sequence of steps to follow but rather a skill set to put into practice. Leadership situations vary by many factors: who is involved, the task or problem to tackle, the situational environment, and much, much more.
An agile leader possesses the leadership knowledge and skills needed to bring about the desired outcome for a specific situation.
Who do you lead?
The act of leadership implies a relationship between you as the leader and those you are seeking to lead.
How are you “related”? Are they your friends, family, coworkers, fellow members of a group or organization, etc.?
Are you equal in “rank” or are you at a different level on the social hierarchy?
Also, are you leading one person, a small group or team, or an entire organization or community?
What skills do leaders need?
Understanding people skills
The first skill you need as a leader is the ability to understand the person or people you are leading. This requires supporting skills in listening and observation, assessing needs, demonstrating empathy, finding common ground, and creating connections.
People follow a leader who understands, listens, and accounts for their needs and concerns in making decisions.
Researching the situation skills
What is needed next? Because leadership is called for when a situation or task arises that requires problem-solving, decision-making, or change, to be an effective leader, you need the ability to gain a deeper understanding of the situation at hand. This requires skills in gathering the facts, anticipating change, comparing and contrasting options, determining the desired outcomes, and selecting a course of action.
Vision-casting skills
Thirdly, an effective leader is able to not only understand the situation and the people involved, but they are also able to put the situation into context and help others see what needs to be done and the role they can take to bring about the desired outcomes.
In other words, effective leaders are skilled at vision casting. When the people you lead can visualize the destination desired, the changes that need to be made, and the steps that will take them there, they are well on their way to overcoming a problem or achieving their goals.
Communication skills
All of these leadership skills rely on the fourth and ultimate leadership skill: communication. Every other leadership skill – understanding people, researching a situation, and casting a vision – all rely on mastering communication skills. Communication is your superhero leadership skill.
Which skillset do you need to work on most?
Understanding people skills
Researching the situation skills
Vision casting skills
Communication skills
Would you like to become a better communicator and leader?
May I recommend one or more of the following routes to grow your skills:
Get a copy of Communicating Nutrition: The Authoritative Guide and the free study guides and goal-setting tools.
Become active in your local or state affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and/or a Dietetic Practice Group. There are numerous opportunities to get involved and serve in a leadership role.
Check out a Toastmasters Club in your area. Join the more than 364,000 members of 16,200 clubs in 145 countries, all working on their communication and leadership skills in a supportive environment.
Effective leaders are constantly growing and developing.
"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." ~ John F. Kennedy
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