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  • Writer's pictureGuest post by Katie Hake, RDN, LD

The Power of Story in Live Video

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

Taking a picture with phone

Think back to the last product you purchased. For me, it was a new planner from someone on social media. Did I truly need another fancy planner? Absolutely not!

Facts tell. Stories sell.

The woman shared how she once missed a client meeting due to having her schedule written in multiple places, and I totally connected with the organized chaos I call my life. There’s truth in the saying: ‘Facts tell, stories sell.’

She could have told me about how lightweight the planner was or how it had special space for notes, but instead, she shared with me how the planner changed her life. By watching her promote this on Instagram Live, I felt as if I was listening to my best friend letting me in on her best-kept secret.

Video is best for connecting with your audience.

I would argue that video is by far the best way to connect with your audience, especially when it comes to nutrition. It allows us to form real relationships and connect on a deeper level.

When the video is live, there is less time for production and editing. The viewer knows exactly what they are getting, creating an appreciation for the rawness and realness of the moment in time. The viewer can almost immediately decide if they like you, but more importantly if they can trust you and the message you are delivering.

Almost every social media platform now offers the ability to share live video. In addition to traditional live television and radio, some of the current popular platforms include:

  • Facebook Live

  • Instagram Live

  • Instagram TV (Yes, it’s a thing! You can create your very own channel!)

  • YouTube

  • Snapchat

  • Instagram Stories (these videos live for only 24 hours, which provides a sense of urgency for engagement and views)

  • Facebook Stories (these videos also live for only 24 hours, which provides a sense of urgency for engagement and views)

Ask these questions before recording a video.

Here are some questions to ask before hitting the little red record button…

  1. What is the point of this video? In other words, what is my call to action? Do I want my viewers to eat more vegetables at breakfast, try a new product, or hire me for my nutrition consulting services? Keeping this at the forefront is key.

  2. What story can I share that will help my viewer relate to this message? Was there a time in your life when you wouldn’t dare touch spinach, especially at breakfast? Did something happen to you today that sparked you to share?

  3. Who needs to hear my story? Rather than trying to talk to everyone, imagine talking to just that one person. Visualize them as you would talk to a friend. This will help you feel more relaxed and more authentic in your delivery.

I challenge you to tell YOUR story with video and connect with your audience.

I personally have built many personal and professional relationships via Instagram and Facebook Live. Whether it be an embarrassing encounter at the supermarket or a quick lunch tutorial, my audience can connect to me and my message quicker than ever.

I challenge you today to go LIVE! Share a story on social media, whether it is 2 minutes or 20 minutes. The more stories you share on camera, the easier it gets.

Learn more about Katie on our community page.

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