Pop the cork! You have reached your goal of creating compelling communication. You are finally ready to deliver your creation! It is time to walk on stage, activate the launch, or in some other way engage your audience.
Here and now your communication can make a difference – in the hands of who it was created for – your audience.
You’re ready to take this step when you have completed the first eight steps of the 10 Steps to Creating Compelling Communication:
Identifying your audience (Step 1),
Conducting a needs assessment (Step 2),
Determining your purpose and key points (Step 3),
Researching current, accurate, and useful supporting evidence (Step 4),
Writing and organizing your message (Step 5),
Identifying communication channels (Step 6),
Planning effective communication strategies (Step 7), and
Reviewing, practicing, pilot testing, and revising (Step 8). Whew! That’s a lot!
The ninth step is the step you have been working toward. What does it entail?
Step 9: Present, Produce, or Publish!
Depending on the channel, publishing may appear to be as simple as pushing submit, upload, or send. However, there’s more involved to ensure success. Let’s examine some typical communication channels and what this step may include, as well as where in Communicating Nutrition: The Authoritative Guide to go to for more information:
Live presentations and demonstrations:
Your presentation day is finally here! With adequate preparation, practice, and a good night’s sleep, you can focus on enjoying a successful delivery to a grateful audience. Make sure you’ve attended to the logistics so that you can arrive on time, relaxed, and ready. Set up and check equipment. Engage with attendees and give them your best.
Chapter 21 covers presentation excellence and Chapter 33 covers logistical planning.
Online webinars:
Online presentations can occur in real-time or be pre-recorded. If you have followed best practices for creating effective slides and incorporating engaging content, you are ready to present with confidence. Become familiar with the platform and take advantage of technical assistance to avoid any glitches. If they occur, remain composed.
Chapters 31 and 33 include content on webinars.
Published articles:
A self-published blog can post the day it is completed. For articles written for another media channel, whether it is a newspaper, magazine, newsletter, journal, etc., the writing deadline will likely be well in advance of the date of publication. Request an alert when the article is live so that you can share it with others via social media, email, or other channels.
Chapters 22, 23, 30, and 41 cover writing articles.
Social media posts:
Social media posts can be published in real-time or scheduled for release in the future. Using a scheduling app allows for batching posts and scheduling to take advantage of high usage times rather than when it is most convenient to post. Become aware of best practice guidelines for length of captions, use of hashtags, and tagging others to be most effective.
Chapter 29 covers social media.
Video production:
Producing a video allows a presentation to reach a larger audience over a longer time frame than presenting in person. Determine the delivery platform that will be most accessible to a target audience. Popular platforms include YouTube, Vimeo, and various social media sites such as Instagram and Tik Tok. Test links before sharing.
Chapter 24 covers video production.
Course or curriculum:
A full-fledged course or curriculum may be released as lessons over time or be made available at once and consumed over time. It may be available via an online channel, be produced as a “hard copy,” or both. Select the delivery approach that is most accessible and affordable to the audience.
Chapter 31 covers developing courses.
Book publishing can be accomplished via traditional publishers, self-publishing, or even via hybrid or vanity publishing. Books can be published in print versions, electronic versions, or both. For a new author, self-publishing an e-book can be a safe, non-threatening place to begin.
Chapter 42 covers writing and publishing books.
Marketing is critical for successful publishing
For Step 9 to be most successful, a critical component of Step 7 must be in place and needs to continue for as long as the communication endeavor is available, and that component is marketing.
Without marketing your communication, any audience that is not a captive audience will not likely even know your communication exists.
Marketing before the communication is released builds excitement and anticipation.
Marketing after builds awareness and directs audience members to read, view, or participate as designed. Common marketing approaches include targeted advertising, social media posts, and email marketing.
Chapter 37 covers marketing.
There’s one more step and it’s important – don’t leave it out! Step 10: Evaluate.
“Publication is a marathon, not a sprint. Writing the book is only the start.” ~ Jo Linsdell
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